Bottled Water

Water Coolers

Carbonated Drinks

Glass bottles



The Best In water
Wight Crystal are the widely recognised supplier of spring water and water coolers on the Isle of Wight.
As a registered charity Wight Crystal work alongside The Way Forward Programme. This provides a programme of activities supporting people with physical and learning disabilities, autism and long term conditions.
Our Pledge

By implementing a minimum order value, we have reduced the number of trips we make in Wight Crystal vehicles.

We have introduced 500ml reusable plastic bottles into our range for those who like to fill up on the go, they can also be recycled and are dishwasher friendly.

All our bottles and caps are fully recyclable and we have compostable and biodegradable “Planet” cups in our range.
A Word
From The CEO
“I have lived and worked on the Island all of my life and the majority of my family are based here, loving the Island and the community feel is the reason why I am still here today.
Osel is a very special place to work; the community, Island businesses and other charities give Osel huge support and make a difference to people’s lives every day!
I love my job and have a great team that help provide one of the best support services on the Isle of Wight”.
-Tracey Hill
Image courtesy of The County Press

Walk the Wight 2020
Wight Crystal are proud to be the water supplier for Walk The Wight 2020 Each walker will receive a bottle of water to take along the route. All of our bottles and caps are 100% recyclable, please dispose responsibly.
Spill Mat
Measuring 60cm x 90cm, our new Spill Mat is perfect for the workplace, gyms, schools, salons & spas. If customers drip water onto the mats they will soak up the water protecting the floor beneath.
Bio-Renewable & 100% Recyclable Carrier Bags
To help the environment we now stock Bio-Renewable & 100% Recyclable Carrier Bags.
Call 01983 520128 for prices
Contact Us
Location: 7 Daish Way, Newport, PO30 5XJ
Telephone: 01983-520128
Email: enquiries@oseliow.org.uk
Opening Times: M-F: 8.30am – 4.30pm